Tuesday, 21 February 2012

For summer lovers or chilly people.

Many days cold and snowy this winter. It's good to remember that in a year there are hot days too!

Thursday, 9 February 2012

I like this word that from inside a little rectangle in a picture of comic book has the strong power to remind us that not only is in our sight happens!
So, sketches from 'Hazel Phantasmagoria' for my new portfolio go on.
Meanwhile... I have started a reviewed dummy of my never end children's picture book.

Title, absolutely provisional, is 'Francesco, get yourself ready. It is time to sleep.', and these are the first two spread.

Sunday, 5 February 2012

Here I am in the middle of my pencil work from 'Hazel's Phantasmagoria'.
Very soon, I hope, it will be time to complete with colours.
To get better consistence among sketches and to keep picture tale flowing, I have considered as a good thing to keep same characters size in every draw, and it is very small compared with my usual standards.
One more challange is to draw as much as possible ground or floor as if they are looked at from a not too much high parallel point of view. Very interesting and funny, indeed!

That's all.